Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Audience profiles for Kerrang and Que.


  • This is aimed at those who are into heavy metal and/or rock music. 
  • This magazine is aimed at those from the lower class (C-D).
  • The target audience is aimed to a niche audience because it concerns topics and themes that are relevant to people who listen to and are interested in rock music an it's background.
  • This consists of 60% males and 40% females.
  • The predominate ethnicity of the readership is white British around 16-24 of age.
87% of users purchase every issue that is released.
The readership of this magazine is 396,000.

  • This is aimed at those in upper working class (A-B) as it's a dearer magazine than Kerrang.
  • This is aimed at the older generation of music buyers, just over the 25 age catagory for both males and females.

Target audience for my magazine

For the music magazine there are many things that I need to take into consideration. Once I have a clear answer for each i can then aim to impress.

Firstly there is the age of the target audience. This is the age I am aiming my magazine at whether it be young adolescents to teenagers and adults.

Secondly, the gender, whether this be males or females. This will vary on the genre of the magazine and who likes what.

Then there is the type of artists or bands. This depends on the type of music people are into and who's fan base they are involved with.  This may bring people into reading my magazine because they'd be very interested if their favourite singer/songwriter was on the front cover.

Demographic. This is what class my audience come from whether it be aimed at a lower class market (C-D) or upper class (A-B). This all depends on the pricing.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Thursday, 7 November 2013

conventions of first magazine cover

Here is the first magazine cover where i labelled off some conventions.
Things included in this are :

  • Drop capitals which are really big letters that start off an article.
  • A pull quote which catches the readers eye and is directly from the celebrity themself. A pull Quote can still be on the front cover from another person that does not feature on the front cover though.
  • anchorage. This is a text informing you who is in the image and in this case its Justin Bieber.
  • Cover lines which are used to give information about the article and what it contains.
  • A significant image which is in very high quality.
  • The house style which for this magazine was kept consistent thoughout.
  • The mast head. This is used for the simple reason in that the reader knows what they are reading.

The challenging convention

The challenging convention on this music magazine is the barcode. This magazine cover does not include a barcode. This can be found else where though such as the contents page or the back page.

pull quotes used in both

Both magazines also use pull quotes directly from the celebrities themselves which makes the magazines more interesting for not only those reading the magazine but those who are fans of the celebrities.

A similarity which both my magazine front covers have

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

magazine covers research

I looked at various different magazine covers such as kerrang, pop ect and I chose 2 to save to then label on my power point presentation.

the conventions of a magazine video Here is a link to find out in more detail, information about the conventions of a music magazine.